Monday, March 31, 2014

How I Remove seams from Mass and AC revolve surfaces and solids in Revit

Ever want to remove those annoying seams that show up when you create a "revolve" in the Mass and Adaptive component environment for both surfaces and solids as shown in the image below?

The way I have removed them is simply JOIN another piece of geometry to them. 

For solids join another solid to it. I use a small cylinder and if I don't want it to show up outside of the solid (a sphere in this case) I hide it within the solid as shown in the image below.

For surfaces, I just use a small void cylinder and "cut" the surface with the void. I don't use a solid cylinder (as the case with the sphere) because solids do not join with surfaces as shown in the image below.

NOTE: When you "cut" a surface with a void or "join" a solid with another solid then you are essentially creating a "new" element that is similar to a Boolean operation in 3dsmax. This new element has no seams!  Hope this helps. 


Paul F. Aubin said...

Nice tip! Thanks.

Dave Baldacchino said...

Great tip!

goalie dan said...

Thanks for your SCRUG presentation; any word on posting the datasets?

Marcello Sgambelluri said...

working on dataset stay tuned

André van Tulder said...

Looking forward to it Marcello. Did I just see that you did another animal, an elephant, over on the dynamo blog! Awesome

3idarchitecture said...

A clever solution ... I disliked the seams but never tried adding another object to get rid of them...